Chasing the Beat
My ivory tower creaks and moans
Sitting in a chair given to me freely
All I wish is for a taste of Cuban freedom
I have been told I am a sexist, like Fritzl
Like him I have a first name
Unlike him my moustache is a peacock
It flutters relentlessly
I ponder cats and dogs, the creaking escalates
I am twenty-five, soon twenty-six
And considered good at what I do, by some
In reality I am a fucked up poet
Who will never come to terms with my shortcomings
Despite how good my adjectives
Despite how many girls I sleep with
Spite, deified
The sad truth of existence, this life of never-ending work
Truth always out of grasp, just
Alone with words, meaningless except for what some breathe into them
All I wish for is honesty
Real people with genuine genius
Flowing through me, invigorating
Images dancing with what some would call life
I would call cultural harassment
Months spent in this newly adopted city of mine
Carrying words on buses
Carrying bruises up stairs
Three lost lovers and one pair of shoes, puked upon
Searching for that perfect muse
Madly, like witchcraft
Some would call me charming
Reality just has a way of making my lies look true
I am the sly fox wannabe
The young amateur chasing, crazily
I've never known when to quit
It won't end 'til it ends
It's all crazy
Random cobblers living on spare change
Wishing for grass that is never greener
Always the same faces on the same buses, worn
I still get random erections at inappropriate times
I play them off like rain
Maybe I should have become a politician
Let the middleclass decide, paupers and poets be damned!
Musicians make more money and they still complain
What chance, then, do I have?
Hipsters, children of an un-revolution
The wonder of mediocrity combined with a fathers paycheck
The miracle of unrequited boredom
Let us dismiss all that bourgeoisie nonsense
Dismiss the lies of a lesser life
Embrace the fallacies, the hypocrisy
The truth that we are grander than our shortcomings
Despite the ludicrous amount of said failures
Instead, sing
Sing of sex, of liquor
On the road, Howl
You see what I did there?
Bukowski would puke with pride and joy!
Shake your peacock! Ruffle leather!
It is all alive within us tonight, comrades
Andy Kaufman is yelling my name from the borders of limbo
Faking death is never the solution
But neither is faking life!